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General Questions

2023 legislative updates pertaining to prioritization

There were many noteworthy bills pertaining to transportation that occurred during the 2023 legislative session. A full summary of those bills can be found on the Wasatch Front Regional Council 2023 Legislative Session Wrap-Up document. As it pertains to the TIF/TTIF funding, the most notable adjustment that was made during the 2023 session was the adjustment of the match requirement for the TTIF programs from a required 40% match to a required 30% match. This was outlined in SB27, Transportation Revisions. This new match amount will not be applied retroactively, but will apply to all TTIF programmed projects moving forward.

Another notable aspect of the 2023 legislative session was the creation of the ATIF (Active Transportation Investment Fund) and the Utah Trail Network (UTN). This process, and especially the TIF Active, does not include ATIF and the UTN, that program will be managed by a separate UDOT group and more information be be available in the future.

What is the prioritization process?

The Utah Transportation Commission uses a project prioritization process to inform funding decision-making for the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF) and the Transit Transportation Investment Fund (TTIF). This includes a project nomination process following requirements set out in Utah Code Section 72-1-304 and Utah Administrative Code Section R940-6 (both available for review here). 

How is the project prioritization process output used?

A ranked list is provided to the Transportation Commission as a decision support tool in selecting projects to receive funds. The Transportation Commission, in consultation with UDOT, may use other considerations in funding decisions for capacity projects.

Is the Transportation Commission required to fund projects in the order that they are ranked?

No, although if the Transportation Commission funds one project over another project that has a higher prioritization rank under the criteria set forth in R940-6-4, the Transportation Commission will identify the reasons for the decision and accept public comment on that decision at a public meeting.

What are the Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs) and the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRP)?

The RTPs are the four plans developed by the state’s four Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) that forecast the state’s transportation needs for the next 20-plus years. For areas outside of the MPOs, UDOT produces an LRP which serves the same purpose. Plans can be found on each agency’s website.

Nomination Information (TIF Active, TTIF First/Last Mile & Transit)

What makes for a successful project nomination?

A project is a good candidate to be nominated for the TIF/TTIF programs if:

How are nominated projects considered for prioritization?

Local governments and districts may nominate projects for consideration in the prioritization process. The nomination information can be found here. The projects are then prioritized and ranked using the decision support models described in the New Transportation Capacity Project Prioritization Process document (available here). The Utah Transportation Commission then uses the ranked list as a decision support tool to determine which projects to fund. 

Why do projects need to be nominated?

Utah Code Section 72-1-304 allows a local government or district to nominate a project for prioritization. Nominations are required for TIF Active and TTIF projects since a match is required as part of the eligibility. TTIF Transit and TIF Highway programs also open a nomination window, but for those programs phase one projects from the Unified Transportation Plan are automatically considered.

Who can nominate a project?

Duly authorized representatives of local governments and districts, including transit districts, may nominate a project into the prioritization process.

What are the eligibility requirements?

If a project falls within a community that is required to comply with the Moderate Income Housing (MIH) requirements the project can be programed for funding only if the community or area is in compliance with the requirements. This applies for both TIF and TTIF funding. Division of Workforce Services (DWS) oversees the MIH tracking.

TIF Active Project Eligibility Requirements

An eligible project must:

TTIF Transit Project Eligibility Requirements

An eligible project must:

TTIF First & Last Mile Project Eligibility Requirements

An eligible project must:

What can be used as a match?

For TIF active projects and TTIF transit and first/last projects, a match is required. This match cannot be from a UDOT administered state funding source, but most other funding sources (i.e. local, county, federal, private) are eligible. In addition, the match can be in-kind, meaning non-cash matches including services (labor), right-of-way, construction, materials, and/or labor/equipment time valued at fair market value.

How is the local match calculated?

The match is calculated as simply 40% of the total project cost for TIF active projects, and 30% of the total project cost for TTIF first/last mile projects and TTIF transit projects. An inflation calculator is available here.

What is the nomination schedule?

See this tab for information on nominations.

Does a project need to be re-nomininated if it already has been nominated in the past but didn't get funded?

For the 2023 cycle, all projects need to be resubmitted.

TIF Highway Nominations

How do projects get considered for TIF Highway prioritization?

The Transportation Commission will automatically prioritize an input list made up of state highway capacity projects identified in phase one (fiscally constrained) of the Regional Transportation Plans (RTP) and Long Range Transportation Plans (LRP) that are over $5,000,000. In addition, the Commission may also consider projects that have been determined as a Phase 1 need in the RTP or LRP.

As an exception, a local government may nominate a highway project for the Transportation Commission to consider adding to the input list. If the Transportation Commission makes a motion and approves a project being added to the input list all the projects are then prioritized and ranked using the decision support model.

TIF Highway Process Flowchart

 See below for a TIF Highway Project flowchart

What are the TIF Highway Project Requirements?

An eligible project must:


When is funding available?

Funding usually becomes available the next fiscal year from whenever the projects were programed. UDOT operates on a June 30th - July 1st fiscal year. However, funding availability and projected revenues may change as projections are updated so a UDOT representative will provide more information on this question.

Is there a set dollar amount or percentage of TTIF set aside for Transit versus First & Last Mile projects?

There is no set dollar amount or percentage of TTIF set aside for Transit and First & Last Mile projects.

Does the money received through the TIF/TTIF have to be spent in one fiscal year?

No, it can be spent over multiple years. A UDOT representative will work with you to determine a schedule that works for the project. This schedule will be articulated in the project agreement that will be signed to initiate the project.

What if one of my projects that got funded last cycle needs more funding? Can I resubmit it for additional funding?

This question is best addressed with the UDOT project manager assigned to your project. 

Is there a maximum funding amount per project limit?

No. However, there is a 40% match requirement for TIF active projects and a 30% match requirements for TTIF first/last mile and transit projects no matter the total project project amount.